
How to Be a Great Tech Director for Easter

It's going to be a busy week. Give your best to ministry and Family

There is a running joke that the hardest thing about creative work in the church is that services come around with alarming regularity. Week after week you're working and striving to communicate the message of the gospel in a captivating, engaging way. Each Monday you start again, trying to connect and communicate with your audience in some fresh way. And then twice a year at Easter and Christmas you go all out to present the gospel to those folks, often of little to no faith, that come to church only these two times a year to celebrate the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus.

It's A Huge Blessing

It's always a huge blessing to invest the time and effort into presenting the message of the resurrection in a big way to people who don't often, if ever, get to hear it. Embrace the sense of togetherness it brings to a team of volunteers. There is nothing that brings a team together like the long hours and intensity of productions - and for many churches Easter brings a production-like atmosphere.

Your Team's Best Effort

Easter warrants the best effort our teams can give. It's a much bigger deal than celebrating Christmas. Think about it, the birth of Jesus is only the beginning of the story. The best part comes on Easter since 3 days after being crucified, He was raised from the dead - guaranteeing life for those who trust in Him. We should be celebrating this and proclaiming it as loud and to as many people as possible.

The Gospel Gets Personal

The Gospel story has such huge impact on our personal lives. At Easter we as church servants can lose sight of that in the midst of the busyness. Christ did not come so that preachers could preach great messages, so singers could sing cool songs and so production people could put together high-level productions. Jesus came to defeat sin and death for us. At the end of the day the part that really matters is what God did for you, for me and for the people of your community who still don't know about Him.


At Christmas time so many people remind us to remember the "true meaning of Christmas" and encourage people to take time to celebrate with family, but when Easter approaches we rarely take the time to truly be thankful and celebrate what God has done.

Proclaim the Message

This Easter, proclaim the message to the people of your community. Pull out all the stops to share God's story with them on a day where they may be open to hearing about it, even if it is out of a sense of duty. Do big things for God! But as you plan and before the weekend is through, don't forget to spend some time individually celebrating what God has done for you. Don't forget to individually thank Jesus for giving his life for yours, for taking your punishment of sin. Proclaim His name loudly!