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Thoughts From the Field: Audio Mixing


Mike Robertson, Consultant, CCI Solutions

Like many before me, I started my tech journey when I was in middle school at the youth group. They needed someone to turn some knobs, and man, did I like turning those knobs! I ended up being the “sound guy” for our youth group and quickly was serving in “Big Church.” I never ended up getting formal training, but simply learned to use what we had at the church, picking up tricks along the way. This path allowed me to work local events and eventually I ended up leading the church technical team. When I left for college, I still did some audio support but dove into the broadcast video world. This took me out of the audio world for the next decade plus – now I was the Video Guy. 

After years of working as a Tech Lead at two churches, where I handled everything from video production to audio management, I’ve now taken on a volunteer role at my local church. My focus is on video directing and running audio, and despite my experience, I’ve found myself relearning many of the basics all over again!  

Over the past year, while adjusting to my role as the church sound technician, I’ve picked up several key lessons. I’m no expert—sometimes I feel like I’m still finding my way—but my goal is to serve wherever I can. For me, working in the FOH position helps me connect with God and worship through service.

1. Learn the instrument you are using

I grew up mixing on mostly analog consoles. I have used some digital boards along the way, but not consistently. I currently work for a National Integration company and a phrase I hear in my conversations with other Church Techs who are still making that Analog to Digital transition is that the “Analog to Digital Learning Curve is steep.” Not all digital boards are the same, but it always does take time to learn the ins and outs of the instrument we were using at the church. One year into my journey of using this audio board a few times a week, I finally felt comfortable with how to navigate “all the things.” When that comfort level hit, I felt liberated to begin exploring my mix on a deeper level.

2. Learn to be curious

Learning your tool leads to an ability to be curious and to explore the options that are available to the mixer. I have become more adventurous with adjusting the compressors and gates and started rearranging the physical layouts to fit my needs. We use a third-party software and hardware program for effects and processing and I am now turning, twisting, and testing everything I can to see how it affects the audio I hear. There were moments when I would sit in the room by myself, play tracks, and then decide to scrap everything I was once using for another path. Being curious is a path to growth.

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Insights and Innovations from InfoComm 2024


We’re Back and Stronger Than Ever!

InfoComm 2024 marked a significant turning point in the post-COVID era, being the most well-attended trade show since the pandemic began. While exact attendance figures are still being calculated, the palpable excitement for in-person trade shows has clearly returned.

This year's event showcased the latest advancements in professional audio and video technology, alongside a robust education program featuring daily courses. A prominent trend observed at InfoComm 2024 was the frequent mention of "AI" by various vendors. However, many of these claims raised questions, as their products often lacked the true embodiment of artificial intelligence.

Innovation was everywhere, with many new products and solutions from both well-known and emerging brands. Transparent LED displays, for example, are becoming more common, though their application in the church world remains to be seen.

Reconnecting with our long-standing partners and re-establishing relationships with past ones was a highlight. We also observed a growing adoption of SMPTE 2110 video over IP. However, its requirement for high-bandwidth infrastructure makes it a costly investment.

Motion tracking technology has now permeated mid-level PTZ cameras and is starting to appear in entry-level models, although the quality varies.

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5 Things to Look for When Choosing an AVL Integrator for Your Church


Selecting the right AVL (audio, visual, and lighting) integrator for your church goes beyond merely enhancing technical capabilities; it's about finding a partner who truly understands and aligns with the heart and soul of your worship community. This decision can profoundly impact how your congregation connects, communicates, and engages during worship services. An integrator that meshes well with your church’s mission can transform your worship experiences, making them more immersive and meaningful. This is why it’s crucial to choose a partner not only for their technical expertise, but for their ability to integrate their solutions into the fabric of your church’s operations and aspirations. This partner should be someone who respects your church’s culture, upholds its values, and seeks to enhance the communal spirit through thoughtful and effective AVL solutions.

In this journey, you’re not just looking for an AVL vendor, but for a relationship that will grow and evolve with your church. The right integrator will listen deeply, propose solutions that resonate with your specific goals, and adjust their approach based on your feedback and evolving needs. Their expertise in AVL integration—encompassing advanced audio systems, visual displays, and dynamic lighting solutions—becomes a powerful tool for fulfilling your church’s vision. By enhancing every sermon with clear sound, every worship song with immersive visuals, and every gathering with impactful lighting, they help deepen the connection between your leadership and the congregation. Therefore, this AVL selection process is not only about finding the right technology but also about securing a collaborative AVL partner who will support your church’s mission to inspire, engage, and connect more effectively.


1. Emphasize Experience in Similar Settings 

When searching for an AVL integrator, the importance of relevant experience cannot be overstated. An integrator that has worked with churches that share similar characteristics to yours will likely have a deeper understanding of your specific needs. This experience means they can anticipate common challenges and provide solutions that have proven effective in similar environments. Ask potential integrators for case studies or references from previous projects to gauge their familiarity and success in environments like yours.

In addition to technical skills, it’s important that the integrator grasps the spiritual and communal objectives of your setting. A good integrator should be someone who respects the ethos of your worship and seeks to enhance it through technology. They should demonstrate how their projects have supported the mission of other churches, helping to facilitate worship that resonates with congregational expectations and enhances spiritual engagement.

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Empower your Team to Enhance your Tech & Amplify your Message


One of the most empowering insights for audiovisual (AVL) church integrators is understanding that technology alone cannot solve all problems. Church leadership, eager to boost engagement and amplify their message, might see technology as a “silver bullet” solution, hoping that an upgraded AVL system alone will get them where they want to be.

The reality is more complex: while advanced AVL technology can enhance worship experiences, the real impact lies in the people behind the systems. As AVL technology continues to evolve, it's crucial to understand the vital connection between cutting-edge technology and the skilled individuals who operate it.


Understand the Root of Your Challenges

When seeking to enhance engagement, church leaders often receive abundant advice from various sources about gadgets and equipment. Common issues include sound quality problems and challenges in managing live and online audiences. Often, these problems are mistakenly attributed to the current AVL system or individual pieces of equipment.

A lack of clear direction and communication often lies at the core of many challenges in worship experiences. When those setting expectations overlook the technical complexities, it can lead to unrealistic demands and confusion. This misalignment can result in misunderstandings, where technical issues are mistaken for interpersonal conflicts, and vice versa.

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Thoughts from the Field: Mastering Scene Safe & Focus Recall in Digital Mixing Consoles


Spencer Clem, Consultant, CCI Solutions

As a consultant for a church AVL integration company, my job is to continue to refine how I help my clients and partners become more confident and knowledgeable about their AVL systems.  Two of the most powerful yet underutilized features I encounter are “Scene Safe” and “Focus Recall.” These features can make a significant difference in live mixing environments, but a lot of church AVL staff don't use them because they can be complicated or difficult to set up. While you technically can manually achieve what you want without Scene Safes and Focus Recall, you can make your job a lot easier and the outcome a lot more consistent if you learn how to dial these in.

Scene Safes: What You Don’t Want to Recall

Let's start with Scene Safes. Essentially, Scene Safes are the parameters or settings you want to protect when loading the next scene. Imagine you've dialed in the perfect microphone gain or monitor mix. The last thing you want is for those settings to change when you switch scenes. That's where Scene Safes come into play. You can lock in those critical settings, ensuring consistency throughout the service, no matter how many scenes you load.

For example, if your vocal channels are set just right, you can make sure they stay that way even as other aspects of the mix adapt. It's all about preserving what’s essential and letting the rest of the mix work its magic. This is especially useful in live performances where consistency is key, and you don't want to risk messing up something as crucial as microphone levels.

Focus Recall: What You Do Want to Recall

Related, Focus Recall allows you to zero in on specific elements of a scene—just the parts you want to change. Instead of loading every parameter within a scene, you can recall specific parameters of specific channels, like a group of channels, effects, or fader levels. Once you’ve dialed in your Focus Recall settings, it can be a lifesaver when you need to make quick adjustments during live events.

For instance, say you need to fade in and out of pre-service music. Instead of manually adjusting multiple channels, you can simply put it all in a scene that only recalls the fader positions. Everything else remains unaffected. This targeted recall not only simplifies the process but also keeps things running smoothly without interrupting the flow of the service.

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Does Your Church Need an AVL Master Plan?


In an age of rapidly advancing technology, it's easy to be tempted by the latest gadgets for your church's audio, visual, and lighting (AVL) needs. The allure of cutting-edge features or budget-friendly options can be strong. However, it's important to remember that technology is just one tool in your toolbox to deliver engaging experiences and connect with your congregation. This is why having a well-thought-out master plan for your church's AVL setup is crucial.


Master Plan vs. Design Plan: Understanding the Difference

A master plan is more than just a design plan. It’s a comprehensive, phased approach that outlines the current and future AVL needs of your church. While a design plan focuses on the immediate AVL setup, a master plan is essential when your vision exceeds your current budget. It integrates technology and expertise with your church's overall vision and goals, considering both present and future requirements.

The master plan ensures that even with budget constraints, strategic decisions are made to gradually achieve your vision. It’s about creating a cohesive system that enhances worship experiences and supports your ministry’s activities, making sure that each phase of the plan moves you closer to your ultimate goals.

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What We Learned at FILO 2024


Church technology professionals inspire us.  Many churches are working so hard to create engaging worship experiences; and it is a major motivation for us and an honor to serve Churches across the US.


Coming Up for Air at FILO

Many Church tech professionals are going it alone because of demanding schedules, lean staff, and strained resources. We could see the ‘coming up for air’ at FILO, and we are grateful for FILO’s role each year in making that possible and supporting the production tribe. At the same time, we encourage churches to carve time to connect with other churches in your area; reach out when resources are strained; and build a relationship with an AVL Integrator who can work ‘on it’ while your team is busy working ‘in it.’ These things can be the difference!


We Are a People Business First!  

We talked with over a hundred churches, and remain convinced that as you decide your tech journey; there is enormous value in consulting church tech peers who have been where you are, and who can encourage you in your journey. Pick up the phone, send an email, and you will be met halfway by others who get it and get you. As an integrator, one of our favorite things is connecting churches with each other, and then seeing relationships flourish. We are ALL in the people business. Let’s keep the spirit of the FILO community alive this year in our communities. Take the first step, and see what God does!

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Rigging Church AV? Trust the Professionals for Safety’s Sake

A modern church with a projector and speakers mounted on the ceiling and purple stage lights.

Mounting & Rigging—It’s Not as Simple as It Seems  

Where does safety rank in your church’s AV production planning? Church AV systems aren’t just about achieving great sound and visuals (although that’s important, too.) But how do you safely mount heavy, expensive speakers, lights, and video displays on the walls and ceilings?

If your church is planning for large-scale set design, you need to trust experienced and licensed church AV installers with the actual mounting and rigging process. Even if your church production department is very knowledgeable about AV and has seen it installed before, rigging is highly technical and requires expertise to do it right. If done wrong, you could be facing a major safety hazard. 

Does your AV staff really know how to rig an AV system? Learn about the risks and requirements and why you should trust church AV installers like CCI Solutions, your destination for church AV in Seattle, WA, and nationwide.